Trademark registration is the legal guarantee of the brand. Its main purpose is to prevent the use of that trademark by third parties for any purpose. Thanks to the trademark registration, the trademark cannot be used by anyone other than the owner for any reason. It prevents copying of the brand, making the same or a similar one. Process management; Trademark and logo production, registration compliance inquiry, application and registration, monitoring and protection.
The protection that gives a monopoly right to the inventor in order to prevent the unauthorized use of the invention and invention is called patent patent. Patents ensure that your commercial inventions are protected within the framework of National and International laws. While it is important for those who invest in the commercialization of the invention, it is also important in terms of protecting the income of the inventor. It is aimed to prevent the loss of rights by preventing the use of products with patent protection by third parties within the period stipulated in the legal regulations.
Artistic works, packaging, furniture, shoe models, logo emblem designs, pattern designs are considered as designs. The use of your designs without your permission will result in wasted effort. Unfair competition will occur by giving the perception that counterfeit products belong to you. If you are bothered by the unauthorized use of the product designs that you have designed with effort, you need to register an Industrial Design.
It analyzes, detects and diagnoses the current or potential legal problems and disputes of our clients and produces special solutions for each client. In this way, we are able to produce solutions before any dispute arises and we are guided to take the necessary measures against an inevitable situation. The services we provide under the name of legal consultancy can be listed as providing legal consultancy services related to industrial property rights and following up the cases arising from disputes, copyright, preventing the abuse of trade secrets, providing consultancy services on intellectual property rights in mergers and acquisitions, preparing license agreements and providing consultancy services in license negotiations.
You can contact us at info@patentist.com.tr for a proposal.
Corporate identity
We design your corporate identity that reflects your story, vision and special aspects. Your corporate identity tells your brand story. Your story reflects your character. Every detail is your brand image. Your effective logo design shows your business strong. We make you memorable with simple and memorable logo design. We design 3 concept logos for your business. While designing your corporate identity, we attach importance to keeping the result in mind. This is why our customers choose us. We offer a memorable work with our techniques that we have always developed.
Web Solutions
Another stage of brand building is to be on the digital platform. The most effective way to promote your company and brands is to have an effective website. In addition to its visual designs having a structure that will impress the visitor, it is also very important to ensure ease of use and problem-free operation thanks to its infrastructure. In this way, the price paid for the service received while having a website is very important.
Barcode Recording
In commercial life, corporate companies are quiteBarcodes that provide convenience have barcode registration documents. Barcode registration is a document that provides benefits to companies and institutions in the field of trade in business tracking, product safety and accurate transfer of products' properties. Barcodes are used to reduce the error rate and time spent entering data.